Left panel: 10th and 90th percentiles calculated over the whole period; green boxes represent 25th and 75th percentiles. Right panel, time range of the period of interest as selected.
Time range of the period of interest
The smoothing, calculated by using a cubic spline, is represented with 95% confidence interval.
The wind roses depicte the wind frequency and direction as function of magnitude.
This is a beta version of MOVIDA-MS. The information presented through MOVIDA-MS are provided “as is” and users bear all responsibility and liability for their use of data, and for any loss of business or profits, or for any indirect, incidental or consequential damages arising out of any use of, or inability to use, the data, even if CNR-ISAC were previously advised of the possibility of such damages, or for any other claim by you or any other person. CNR-ISAC makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, including implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose or merchantability.
MOVIDA-MS data products or plots can be used in the case you follow the guidelines below:
- MOVIDA-MS end users must acknowledge the NextDATA National Project funded by Italian Ministry for Eductaion, University and Research, Institutions managing the stations and other Projects supporting the operations of the stations.
- Commercial use of MOVIDA-MS data products and plots is not allowed
- MOVIDA-MS data products and plots must not be modified or changed in anyway
- MOVIDA-MS end users are requested to contact the station PIs to offer possible co-authorship in data publication and to inform them about researches and information activities based on MOVIDA-MS data products

List of contacts for each stations (PIs):
- Mt. Cimone: Paolo Cristofanelli (p.cristofanelli -at-
- Plateau Rosa: Francesco D'Assisi Apadula (Francesco.Apadula -at-
- Lampedusa: Alcide Giorgio di Sarra (alcide.disarra -at-

Notice: The research activity on going at Plateau Rosa monitoring station have been financed by the Research Fund for the Italian Electrical System under the Contract Agreement between RSE SpA and the Italian Ministry of Economic Development - General Directorate for Nuclear Energy, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency, stipulated on July 29, 2009, in compliance with the Decree of November 11, 2012.
Data Download


Paolo Cristofanelli: p.cristofanelli -at-
Tony Christian Landi: t.landi -at-

MOVIDA-Multistations was developed in the framework of NextDATA project by CNR-ISAC

This software was written in R code by using the packeges shiny and openair